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Project 2: Tectonics: Design Principles, Anthropometric & Ergonomics Exploration- Isolation Space

An architect not only has to focus on the design element and design principle, but understanding the structure, anthropometry, ergonomics, materials , social responsibility and tectonics that can help implement into the architectural design.
Project Task & Overview

In Project 2, it allowed us to study the natural and characteristics of materials and how it could be used to create a tectonic structure. Materials such as: timber, rope, steel, tensile fabric, which lead us to research and understand how specific supporting material works.  Moreover, designing a structure for self-isolation and expressing our personal experiences during the pandemic period.

Furthermore, measuring our own body to have better understanding in anthropometry and the ergonomics of the action and relating it to form and space.

Design Intention

To create a tectonic structure that is for meditation.

Meditation helps to release negative thoughts and emotions that have been built up in a person.

Light & Shadow
It helps to create a calm ambience where the meditator can feel relax.
The use of Oak wood makes the person feel more connected to the outside world, being one with nature. Furthermore, Oak wood is one of the suitable materials that is used for steambending.
The design intention for having a curvilinear structure, is the meaning behind the process of letting go of negative thoughts and emotions.
Creating a skeletal structure allows the meditator to have more ventilation helps to enhance their experience while meditating.
Tattoo Stamps

2 Tattoo Stamps were selected from Project 1. The purpose of using the Tattoo Stamp is to help the student to extract its essence and design and implement them into the model.
Front Elevation
Floor Plan
Side Elevation
Section Plan 

From project 2 I gained TGC 1Discipline Specific Knowledge, TGC 2 Lifelong, and TGC 3 Thinking and Problem Solving Skill.

Moreover, I learned to create a sensorial space and understanding the basics of anthmpometry that helped to alter the design of the model to make sure a person can fit inside a model by scale. Furthermore, I learned about ergonomics and understood characteristics of different types of material, such as hard wood or soft wood, and stainless steel.


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