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Project 2: Exploring local architecture or built environment (BE) responses to specific SDG goals and targets


This project is to allow students to understand what are the 17 SDG goals and how can architecture can provide the basis towards meeting a number of Sustainable Design Goals. The 17 SDG goals represent the challenges that architects have to overcome in order to achieve a sustainable future as these goals you are required to document realized cases of architecture, planning, and structures with the aim of understanding the Goals as they relate to architecture/built environment. Each documented case will form a basis to start conservation on how the built environment can contribute to a particular goal.

Overview of the project

The project is to create an awareness of the 17SDG goals, explore and understand how the BE/Arch is responding to particular Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Students have to select a local building of their choice and identify the SDG goal, targets, and indicators. Furthermore, submit it on an A3 digital board.


What I learned from this project was identifying and analyse global and local environmental concerns related to build environment and appropriate solutions for it. Moreover, explaining how buildings can be rated as a green or sustainable building by using rating tools.

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